Everyone has access to the great shared facilities at Wytch Wood. Browse what’s on offer to make your stay a bit more comfortable and enjoy a few creature comforts to make you feel at home.

Outdoor showers at Wytch Wood Camping

Hot showers stocked with ‘Faith in Nature’ products


The showers are a great experience if we do say so ourselves. The clear roof means that you feel like you’re still in the middle of nature.


NB. Showers are available from 8am to 8pm and switched off at all other times.


They are heated by low-flow gas powered units which heat only the water that is needed on demand. What’s more, we supply ‘Faith in Nature‘ shampoo, conditioner and body wash for you to use during your stay – a different fragrance is in each shower so you can find your favourite during your stay!

Clear, fresh, spring water


We provide beautiful (and free) clear spring water for you to drink during your stay. 


Our water comes from springs further up the valley, and is one of the uppermost tributaries of the River Axe. UV treated and tested regularly it’s fresh and delicious – so please leave the bottled water at home and fill from the tap – it’s free!

Off grid facilities | Wytch Wood Camping
How to make your next camping trip a bit greener

Recycling facilities


We want to help make recycling as easy as possible, so along with your own food waste bin and recycling tub we give you lots of recycling options.


Please separate all hard plastic bottles and trays, cans, glass bottles, gas canisters, food waste, card and paper, batteries, and tetra packs. The only things we can’t really recycle are plastic films, wipes, sanitary items and nappies.

Washing-up area


Our washing-up area boasts hot water and ‘Green Bear‘ biologically friendly washing-up liquid.


The Wytch Wood washing-up area houses our three stainless steel sinks – reclaimed from an old dairy! Hot water is provided, but please use prudently and don’t run the hot water continuously.


We also provide Green Bear washing up liquid. Our sinks drain direct into a soakaway, so please clear plates before you wash them with the blue roll available and don’t use other washing up liquids which are damaging to the soil.

Wash ups and recycling at Wytch Wood
Garden Areas at Wytch Wood Camping | oxeye daisy

Seats, benches and trails


Explore the campsite on foot and take time to enjoy the scenery and wildlife that Wytch Wood has to offer. We’ve put benches and seating in public areas around the campsite to help you get the best from your surroundings, or take a much needed rest.

Nature boards, books and local area maps


Explore the local area and the local wildlife with our selection of books and guides available to borrow.


We’ve recommended our favourite spots in the local area for you to explore so you won’t need to drive for miles once your staying with us.

Nature boards, books and local area maps at Wytch Wood
Nature boards, books and local area maps at Wytch Wood

Garden areas with wildlife-friendly planting


Bringing some balance to the campsite, we continue to add areas which increase biodiversity and habitat variety for animal and plant life.


Check out our pollinator patch, Greener Camping Club tree garden, woodland walk and new three sisters vegetable garden.